Healing Heart Sanctuary




Sheba’s Eddie’s Wheels cart

Sheba’s Eddie’s Wheels cart


We are often asked about the products we use at Healing HEART Sanctuary. And since they have worked so well for us, we’re happy to share our contacts.

A number of these products and others are listed in our Affiliates section.

We’ve been asked for products with the very cool Healing HEART Sanctuary logo designed and donated by Design Intense. These will be coming very soon. If you can help us in this area as a volunteer, on an in-kind basis, or possibly on a paid basis, please contact us immediately. It means we’ll get to this even sooner.

Keep Me Informed

HHS symbol



Disclaimer: The information contained herein is presented for educational purposes and as a resource for visitors to the Healing HEART Sanctuary website. The participants are not veterinarians or health care professionals. Nothing herein should be interpreted as medical advice and all should contact their individual pet care professionals. Healing HEART Sanctuary does not advocate any particular product, item, or position contained herein; we merely share those resources we are familiar with and with which we have experience.

Helping Animals & Children get back on their feet.