Healing Heart Sanctuary




Cha Cha and her friends Sport &  Precious sharing a  blanket

Founder Andy with horse friend


Andy’s Friends: A Members Club

Our members club is simple: sign up to make a monthly recurring donation of $10 or more.

Named after Founder Andy Stallman, “Andy’s Friends” members will automatically receive the newsletter, sanctuary updates, periodic stories, and a Healing HEART Sanctuary paw print lapel pin.

Andy’s support for Healing HEART Sanctuary has continued beyond his passing in 2003. With a foundation he had previously set up, Andy has been a major supporter for the sanctuary. As the need and requests for the sanctuary’s programs and services grow, our goal is to double Healing HEART Sanctuary’s Operating Budget, so that we can expand our capabilities.

One thing Andy didn’t get to do is see his vision to completion, by naming the monthly donor group after him, it gives him a chance posthumously to help see his vision come into reality. It seems appropriate that Andy continue to play an important role in the funding for the sanctuary.

"Want to help Andy Heal more Hearts? DONATE NOW! YOUR Heart will love you for it!"

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Helping Animals & Children get back on their feet.